What's In A Call?

There is a lot unseen that goes into a single patient call...

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What's In A Call?

Regardless of practice size, a great deal of resources are required to support the needs of patient access. Call center operations necessitate a myriad of technologies to simply function alongside strong staffing in a space that is notorious for high turnover. Due to the nature of patient calls, Healthcare call centers have additional needs beyond the basic operations in order to ensure compliance and a patient experience that inspires loyalty. There is a lot unseen that goes into a single patient call.

whats in a call

It can be easy to oversimplify the patient access process, distilling it down to its most basic of tasks such as answering calls and filling in a calendar. When framed in this way it not only diminishes the value of these services, but it neglects to recognize the layers of complexities required to execute them— and execute them well. 

About Envera Health

Envera Health provides comprehensive engagement partnerships for healthcare organizations seeking to transform the patient experience and simplify the care deliver y process. Supported by a unique CRM-driven engagement center, we other a complete suite of patient engagement solutions custom-designed to improve operational efficiency and enable steady growth.