Targeting Patient Access Talent

More than an agent, our PACs are trained to act as an extension of your own team, delivering a consistent care experience that promotes positive patient relationships. Here's how we hit the mark...

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Targeting Patient Access Talent

At Envera, we recognize the importance of extending care culture to every step of the patient journey. That's why our people-first approach is designed to enhance patient access by amplifying the values unique to your organization starting with the application of dedicated Patient Access Coordinators (PACs). More than an agent, our PACs are trained to act as an extension of your own team, delivering a consistent care experience that promotes positive patient relationships. Here's how we hit the mark...

Onboarding & Training

We employ an intensive training program designed to align new agents with the values of the organization they will represent. This is how we ensure a consistent and coordinated care experience for your patients.


Personality Types

On average, Envera’s Patient Access Coordinators (PACs) exhibit a higher level of openness and agreeableness than the sample population. These traits translate to the kind of empathy and flexibility needed to extend the values of care culture to patient interactions over the phone.


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Envera’s workforce is 100% remote offering flexibility across all time zones and the ability to choose from a nationwide candidate pool. This means we can also target salary markets to offer more competitive rates.



In addition to a supportive and inclusive company culture, PACs are rewarded for good performance, everyone participates in a monthly incentive plan that balances quality, attendance, error rate, and productivity to earn a 7% overall wage increase. We are proud to boast attrition rates that are more than 2xs better than the industry average.


Our agents consistently earn patient satisfaction scores of 96% and above!

About Envera Health

Envera Health provides comprehensive engagement partnerships for healthcare organizations seeking to transform the patient experience and simplify the care deliver y process. Supported by a unique CRM-driven engagement center, we other a complete suite of patient engagement solutions custom-designed to improve operational efficiency and enable steady growth.