Case Study
Southern Non-profit Gets A Line on New Patients
Organization Type
Non-profit Academic Medical Center
Geographic Region
Organization Size
60+ hospitals & clinics
6000 physicians
20 specialties
serving a patient population of over 1.5 million
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Southern Non-profit Gets A Line on New Patients
A southern non-profit academic medical center developed a specialty program that resulted in significant positive health outcomes for eligible patients. Despite the widely accepted success, and large number of experienced physicians available to participate, the medical center was having difficulties enrolling new patients in the program. They launched an internal marketing effort that included several automated processes via digital channels but simply were not converting leads as anticipated.
During the initial discovery, it became apparent that the internal team was stretched too thin with the management of care for the patients already enrolled in the program to efficiently follow up on leads from the marketing campaign. The digital funnel was showing high interest, but engagement dropped off when leads reached the web form to register. Unexpectedly, patients interested in the program preferred to discuss registration and scheduling with a live person rather than participate in the established automated process for the campaign. With staff tied up in more pressing duties onsite, new patient inquiries were simply not getting addressed.
The medical center implemented Envera Health’s Consumer Engagement Service. Through a customized strategy that utilized the medical center’s existing processes and workflows, Envera gained control of outreach efforts with a centralized campaign line and improved scripting. A team of dedicated Patient Access Coordinators (PACs) was put in place to supplement digital marketing efforts by conducting outreach and follow-up on behalf of the organization. Trained to serve as an extension of their internal team, PACs utilized the processes and values of the organization offering a seamless brand experience while connecting and scheduling leads inside the medical center’s own platform. Additionally, Envera’s campaign management methodology includes regular analysis that was used for continuous improvement, improving the efficiency of the campaign, and offering greater ROI over time.

The Envera approach includes an in-depth discovery process that studies the physicians and processes unique to your organization to develop a fully customized engagement solution.
About Envera Health
Envera Health provides comprehensive engagement partnerships for healthcare organizations seeking to transform the patient experience and simplify the care delivery process. Supported by a unique CRM-driven engagement center, we other a complete suite of patient engagement solutions custom-designed to improve operational efficiency and enable steady growth.