Case Study
Nonprofit Health Network Answers The Call For Better Patient Outcomes
Organization Type
Non-profit Health Network
Geographic Region
Organization Size
12+ health systems
6000+ physicians
19 specialties
serving a patient population of over 2 million
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Nonprofit Health Network Answers The Call For Better Patient Outcomes
A medical group identified nearly 3,000 chronic disease patients across two markets whose A1C was not checked in the last 6 months, or the result was greater than 9, which indicates that the patient is non compliant with the self-management of their disease. Quality HEDIS measures were at risk.
During the discovery process, it became apparent that the medical group was missing the essential infrastructure to proactively manage or coordinate the needed volume of preventative care communications. In addition to the lack of patient-centric technologies necessary for an effective modern outreach strategy, they could not scale staff at the same rate their patient population was growing. This contributed to the issue of patient activation as any non-essential tasks were put off and there was no staff to maintain the phones outside of office hours.
A Patient Activation Campaign in partnership with Envera Health was instituted to close the gaps in care. Through a multi-channel strategy, automated technology notified the chronic disease patients who were due or overdue for care through text and/or IVR phone calls— driving patients back into the system for routine appointments and ongoing health management. A team of dedicated Patient Access Coordinators (PACs) managed the response, freeing the medical group’s internal resources to focus on more personal outreach efforts for higher-risk populations. Additionally, partnering with Envera not only allowed the medical group to reach a broader patient population but it provided a bigger window of service, fielding calls outside of regular office hours; a measure that improved scheduling volumes and the patient experience at the same time.

The Envera approach includes an in-depth discovery process that studies the physicians and processes unique to your organization to develop a fully customized engagement solution.
About Envera Health
Envera Health provides comprehensive engagement partnerships for healthcare organizations seeking to transform the patient experience and simplify the care delivery process. Supported by a unique CRM-driven engagement center, we other a complete suite of patient engagement solutions custom-designed to improve operational efficiency and enable steady growth.