Faith-based Health System Activates A Line For Chronic Care

Organization Type
Faith-based Health System

Geographic Region

Organization Size
30 hospitals
2000+ physicians
40+ specialties
serving a patient population of over 5 million

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Faith-based Health System Activates A Line For Chronic Care



Demographical data indicated that patients with chronic conditions at a large midwestern faith-based health system were having difficulty with condition management. Large numbers of patients in this category were skipping care instructions or refills on essential medications. Poor self-management made physicians concerned about declining health outcomes for at-risk patient groups.



The discovery process revealed inadequate patient activation programs. Patients were expected to be proactive in scheduling their own comprehensive appointments, the majority of whom were not and others were commonly delaying routine visits. The poor engagement put the health system at risk for a decline in patient outcomes and was negatively impacting appointment volumes.



Envera Health partnered with the health system to create an outreach campaign specific to patients with chronic conditions. The partnership included a new workflow design, auto-dialing technology, and a dedicated team of Patient Access Coordinators (PACs) to handle related inbound call volumes. The solution executed a two-layer approach, utilizing technology and a human touch, to deliver higher than industry average conversion rates— and a significant improvement in patient outcomes.


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The Envera approach includes an in-depth discovery process that studies the physicians and processes unique to your organization to develop a fully customized engagement solution.

About Envera Health

Envera Health provides comprehensive engagement partnerships for healthcare organizations seeking to transform the patient experience and simplify the care delivery process. Supported by a unique CRM-driven engagement center, we other a complete suite of patient engagement solutions custom-designed to improve operational efficiency and enable steady growth.