The Value of "People Plus Technology" Solutions in Healthcare Scheduling

2 min read

Many healthcare organizations are embracing patient self-scheduling tools, with as many as 88% of healthcare leaders viewing these platforms as key investments. These tools, often integrated directly into EHR systems, offer functionalities such as appointment scheduling, pre-authorization forms, wait lists, secure messaging, and billing integration. While their potential is undeniable, relying solely on these platforms can present several challenges...

One of the most overlooked aspects of patient self-scheduling systems is that they still require human oversight. Staff members are needed to manage these tools, approve appointments, and ensure data accuracy. The result is not full automation but an appointment “request” system that still requires manual intervention...

A staffing "solution" that changes the process rather than solving anything.

Human interaction is essential to patient care, and automating processes without preserving that connection can lead to operational inefficiencies. For example, data entered by patients must be verified, and issues with calendar syncing between manual schedulers and automated systems can create scheduling conflicts and overload staff with additional work. This alone illustrates the importance of a collaborative approach where technology supports, rather than replaces, human workers.

The challenge is improving the access experience without creating new barriers.

While self-scheduling tools can streamline certain processes, they can unintentionally create barriers for vulnerable populations. Patients in rural areas, older individuals, and those without access to reliable internet or technology may struggle to navigate these systems. The increased reliance on digital solutions—such as uploading documents or using complex portals—excludes those who are less tech-savvy.

By maintaining a "people plus technology" model, healthcare organizations can ensure that all patients have access to care. Automation can reduce administrative burdens, but trained staff are crucial to guide patients through the process and provide support when needed, making care more accessible to all.

An effective solution balances automation with live agents for the best patient experience.

Self-scheduling systems are designed to offer patients convenience, but the data indicates they often fall short. A recent survey revealed that 63% of patients felt their provider’s digital tools did not meet their expectations, while 61% delayed care because of complex scheduling systems. Furthermore, 70% of patients who attempted to schedule online ended up being redirected to a call center, and engagement with online scheduling remains low—less than 3% of patients choose this option when available.

Providers simply cannot rely on technology alone. Integrating automation while keeping human touchpoints available ensures the best patient experience. Staff can intervene when digital systems fail to meet patient needs, preserving relationships and enhancing satisfaction.

Embrace technology, but keep care culture.

While automation has the potential to lift some administrative burdens, it should be seen as a tool to support—not replace—human workers. Healthcare organizations must adopt technology with a firm understanding of its limitations and pair it with skilled staff to maintain the quality of care. By focusing on a "people plus technology" approach, providers can preserve essential human interaction, ensure better patient outcomes, and enhance both operational efficiency and staff satisfaction.

Envera Health builds fully customized patient access solutions that provide the right combination of people and technology to ease the burden on internal teams without sacrificing patient service. Learn more.